Ode to Our Pets
It is that time of year when many people get the urge to add a new member to their family by adopting either a cat or dog (puppy or kitten). This is an admirable thought and one that should be encouraged for they provide so many benefits to our lives. Pets extend their love and affection unconditionally and this relationship lasts for the entire course of their lives. They are prepared to sacrifice everything for our goodwill and happiness. They greet us in the morning, when we come in from work at night and will stay by our side from morning until night if allowed to do so. They are eager to play with us, sit in our laps, or just hang out with us for long periods of time. We benefit from these activities as well. We get companionship, attention, loyalty and affection. The relationship can even promote good health and general well-being to the human owners. Continue…