Keeping Your Indoor Cat Happy

indoor cat careKeeping your feline friend indoors may seem cruel on the surface, but in fact, indoor cats live longer, healthier lives. Kitties allowed to roam outdoors are not only exposed to disease, traffic, and the presence of other animals, but they also stand the risk of becoming lost or stolen. That’s why the team at Summeridge Animal Clinic strongly advocates for an indoor life for our whiskered friends.

Unfortunately, though, indoor cats can also miss out on a lot of opportunities for normal expression of behaviour, mental stimulation, and overall wellness. To help your cat live the best life possible, we offer some tips and recommendations for an amazing life for your indoor cat meow pal.


Not Just for Dogs: Arthritis in Cats

Curious Calico CatIt is generally understood that pets develop arthritis. It is a commonly diagnosed condition and we are now better at managing it in our patients. Cats, however, tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to diagnosing and treating this condition.

Learn what you as a cat owner need to know about arthritis in cats and how you can help.

Understanding Arthritis

Arthritis, or degenerative joint disease, is a condition that affects the joints of the body. It occurs when the normal surfaces and structures within the joint begin to break down, leading to pain and inflammation.


Can You Train Your Cat? Absolutely!

Black cat basked in master bed.For a species that can actually be trained to use a box for a bathroom, it’s astounding that we don’t expect more from cats. They are so smart, playful, and capable! But, some say cats are equally aloof, unpredictable, and not always willing to please, making training a laughable feat.
However, with positive reinforcement, you can (not to mention should) train your cat to perform tricks, behave better, and become the feline you always wanted. Continue…