It’s That Time Of Year Again, But When Does Cat Shedding Become Too Much?

A cat sits next to a brush full of cat hair.

Cat owners far and wide know that shedding is something that simply comes with the territory. Most of the time, all you have to do is get out the good ‘ole lint roller to clean up your clothing or furniture. But certain times of the year, you might have to lug out the extreme power-matic vacuum to suck up the intense volume of cat hair. It piles up in the corners, accumulates beneath furniture, and comes off on your hand when you pet your sweet kitty’s backside. Cat shedding can get the best of many cat owners, but luckily it’s not something to worry too much about.


Decked Out: Choosing Your Pet Accessories

A pair of dogs out for a walk

At Summeridge Animal Clinic, we love seeing pets decked out in all the things. From cute bows to harnesses with bling, stylish animals make us smile. It’s amazing how some of this canine and kitty couture can capture the personality of the pets they adorn.

When it comes to choosing pet accessories, though, some things go beyond good taste. Good fit, safety, and appropriateness for the individual dog or cat are all important. Pet accessories should be fun and effective at the same time.


Treading Lightly with Tapeworms: Echinococcus and Your Pets

A light-colored lab sitting outside

It seems like a large part of taking care of pets is working to keep them parasite free. From ectoparasites like fleas and ticks, to blood-borne parasites like heartworm and intestinal parasites, it’s a tough job.

While we have a pretty good handle on most of these monsters inside, some of them can be nastier than others. Echinococcus multilocularis is one of the more worrisome parasites, and is being diagnosed with increasing frequency here in Canada. Not to worry, though – your friends at Summeridge Animal Clinic are here to help!
