Helping Your Indoor Cat Lose Weight

A tortoise-shell cat laying on a carpet

For pets and people alike, it’s often easier to keep the weight off than to lose it. Even a few extra pounds can lead to disastrous consequences to a pet’s health and longevity. Weight loss diets can be difficult to maintain, and indoor cats have the added challenge of perhaps not being as active as other pets may be. 

Indoor cat weight loss can be tricky, but Summeridge Animal Clinic has some tips and tricks to help you get started!


Feline Interstitial Cystitis: A Cat Owner’s Worst Nightmare

Feline Interstitial CystitisHave you ever experienced that sinking feeling when you confirm that, yes, that’s cat pee in the corner behind your couch? No cat owner wants to deal with urination outside of the litter box, yet it is not an uncommon issue for our feline friends. If you think your feline friend is suffering with litter box problems please call us immediately at 905-731-1225 or request an appointment online.

There are many reasons why a cat may begin to urinate outside of the litter box, but feline idiopathic cystitis is one of the most common cat health problems. Learn about this disease process and how you can help your cat.
